Create your own html bookmarklet!

Simply drag the 'TRY IT' button into the bookmarks bar to install!

What are bookmarklets?

Bookmarklets are small pieces of JavaScript code that can be saved as bookmarks in your web browser. When you click on a bookmarklet, the code is executed on the current web page, allowing you to perform various tasks and manipulate the content of the page.

Why use bookmarklets?

Bookmarklets can save you time and simplify tasks by allowing you to perform common actions with just one click. They can also help you customize web pages and interact with other web services.

  • A bookmarklet that reads aloud a webpage
  • A bookmarklet that highlights the start of all words on a web page to aid reading
  • A bookmarklet that removes all ads from a web page
Bookmarklet Generator Tool

Use our easy-to-use generator tool to create your own bookmarklets. Simply enter your JavaScript code or html website and generate a bookmarklet that you can save to your browser.

How to use bookmarklets

To use a bookmarklet, simply save it as a bookmark in your browser. You can then click on the bookmarklet when you're on a web page to execute the code or open your extension.